Jan 022012

My grandmother's cousin from Montemaggiore Belsito sent me a copy of the Parisi genealogy going back to the early 1800s. This will help make sense of my searches of the Montemaggiore records. One thing this really helped me on was the fact that my great-great-grandmother, Agata Sciolino, married one brother, Rosario Parisi, and then married another brother Angelo Parisi.

My grandmother is Sarina Millonzi Palmeri and my great-grandmother is Carmela Parisi (daughter of Angelo Parisi and Agata Sciolino).

Sep 122011

As I search LDS records for Montemaggiore Belsito, I am recording, in some way, all members of the Millonzi, Salemi, Parisi, and Sciolino families. My great-grandfather Rosario Millonzi's parents were Ignazio Millonzi and Rosaria Salemi. My great-grandmother Carmela Millonzi's parents were Angelo Parisi and Agata Maria Sciolino.

Maybe my efforts will be useful to someone else searching for their families from Montemaggiore. I make no promises for completeness or accuracy. In some cases, I could not read the stylized hand writing.

Click on the link below to access the transcriptions.

Registri dello stato civile Montemaggiore Belsito (Palermo), 1820-1910
Nati 1852-1858 | FHL INTL 2004859

Sep 052011

My great-grandmother, Carmela Parisi Millonzi, was born in Montemaggiore Belsito, Province of Palermo, Sicily on 2 Sep 1892. Her parents were Angelo Parisi and Agata Maria Sciolino.

Here is her birth certificate, which I found on a microfilm I ordered through a local Family Research Center at an LDS church in Madison, TN, just north of Nashville. Thankfully, the LDS church records and their microfilm readers are open to anyone. The FRC in Madison is open only a few hours a week, which requires a bit of flexibility to find a time that works for me. Ordering is easy. You pay $6 per microfilm and it arrives in about 2 weeks. You can keep it for about 3 weeks, but they often let them linger for a week or two longer. From what I understand, they are moving the ordering process online (new.familysearch.org) which should make things even easier.

Atti di Nasciti for Carmela Parisi, my great-grandmother

Transcribing these is the tricky part.

First, they're in Italian. I can read only a tiny tiny bit of Italian (but I'm learning). So Google translate is my tool of choice.

Second, they are written in a fairly stylized cursive handwriting. It does take a bit of calibrating to read the text. For example, in "Parisi" the central "s" almost looks like a cursive "f". I've found that after reading them for a while, I can start to pick up on the style. One nice thing is that all the records in a volume are written by the same hand in a very consistent style. Some of those styles are easier than others, to be sure.

Here is my loose translation of the Atti di Nasciti. I haven't been able to figure it all out. But I've been able to pull out what seems to be the most salient information. After I used Google translate I also found some places online where others had translated similar Italian documents (including this http://www.conigliofamily.com/Pa.htm). Unfortunately, google translate doesn't suggest words when there are misspellings.

In the top left corner it gives the birth number for that year and notes Parisi Carmela. I can't read the writing underneath.

I put XXX on the words I just couldn't read and translate.

L'anno milleottocento   novantadue    addi   otto   di   Settembre   a ore   XXX   meridiane XXX e minuti             , nella Casa comunale.
The year eighteen hundred   ninety-two   on the day  eighth   of September at   XX   o'clock   am or pm   and minutes               in the Town Hall.

Avanti di me   XX Pietro XXX delegato XXX XXX XXX Stato Civile  .
Before me   <name and title of the official in the Town Hall>  .

Uffiziale dello Stato Civile del Comune di   Montemaggiore Belsito  
Official of Public Records of the Town of   Montemaggiore Belsito  

è comparso   Parisi Angelo  , di anni  trenta     XXX   domiciliato   quella?   il quale mi ha dichiarato che alle ore   XXX   meridiane   sei   e minuti           del di   cinque   del   corrente   mese, nella casa posta in   Via Giardino   al numero   seidici  , da Sciolino Agata di anni trentacinque sua legittima moglie XXX convivente
appeared   Angelo Parisi  , age   thirty  ,   <job description>   living in   <somewhere>   who has declared to me that at   six 'clock   on day   five   of the   current   month, in the house located at   Via Giardino   number   sixteen  , by Agata Sciolino age thirty-five his wife living with him.    

e nato un bambino di sesso   femminile   che   egli   mi presenta e a cui da il nome di   Carmela  .
is born a baby   girl   who was presented for me to see, and who was given the name   Carmela  .

A quanto sopra e a questo atto sono presenti quali testimoni   Nafia Rosalia  , di anni   venticinque  ,   casalinga  , e   Peri Rosalia   di anni   ventiotto   casalinga  , entrambi reidente in questo Comune.   
To the above, and to this record, are present the witnesses   Rosalia Nafia  , age   twenty-five  ,   a housewife  , and   Rosalia Peri  , age   twenty-eight    a housewife  , both residents of this community. 

Sep 052011

As I search LDS records for Montemaggiore Belsito, I am recording, in some way, all members of the Millonzi, Salemi, Parisi, and Sciolino families. My great-grandfather Rosario Millonzi's parents were Ignazio Millonzi and Rosaria Salemi. My great-grandmother Carmela Millonzi's parents were Angelo Parisi and Agata Maria Sciolino.

Maybe my efforts will be useful to someone else searching for their families from Montemaggiore. I make no promises for completeness or accuracy. In some cases, I could not read the stylized hand writing.

Click on the link below to access the transcriptions.

Registri dello stato civile Montemaggiore Belsito (Palermo), 1820-1910
Nati 1847-1852 | FHL INTL 2004858

Sep 052011

As I search LDS records for Montemaggiore Belsito, I am recording, in some way, all members of the Millonzi, Salemi, Parisi, and Sciolino families. My great-grandfather Rosario Millonzi's parents were Ignazio Millonzi and Rosaria Salemi. My great-grandmother Carmela Millonzi's parents were Angelo Parisi and Agata Maria Sciolino.

Maybe my efforts will be useful to someone else searching for their families from Montemaggiore. I make no promises for completeness or accuracy. In some cases, I could not read the stylized hand writing.

Click on the link below to access the transcriptions.

Registri dello stato civile Montemaggiore Belsito (Palermo), 1820-1910
Nati 1884-1910 | FHL INTL 1965501

Aug 312011

As I search LDS records for Montemaggiore Belsito, I am recording, in some way, all members of the Millonzi, Salemi, Parisi, and Sciolino families. My great-grandfather Rosario Millonzi's parents were Ignazio Millonzi and Rosaria Salemi. My great-grandmother Carmela Millonzi's parents were Angelo Parisi and Agata Maria Sciolino.

Maybe my efforts will be useful to someone else searching for their families from Montemaggiore. I make no promises for completeness or accuracy. In some cases, I could not read the stylized hand writing. 

Click on the link below to access the transcriptions.

Registri dello stato civile Montemaggiore Belsito (Palermo), 1820-1910
Nati 1862-1884 | FHL INTL Film 1965414 Items 2-4