Jan 222014

According to this post:
… per the Italian law the status should change in every 30 (working days) days period. If your status is not changing for long period you can send a FAX or a mail to notify them it is not moving for long period. But for mail Italian government will accept only PEC mail so it is good to use FAX. Please find the letter I have used. Since I don’t know Italian I got a help from a Italian friend in France to get it done. Try to make use of this letter and after sending this letter my status moved fast and I also received call from Interior Ministry Rome. (If you can speak Italian you can include phone no in the letter otherwise it is better to provide only mail id because the person from interior ministry can speak only Italian). Fax no 00390646549785

Here’s a copy of the letter they faxed:

Al Ministero dell’Interno
Dipartimento per le libertà civili e l’immigrazione
Direzione Centrale per i Diritti Civili, la Cittadinanza e le Minoranze
a.c.a. Dirigente dell’Area IV bis – Cittadinanza – Viceprefetto Cristina Ciciriello
via Cavour, 6
00184 – Roma

per fax +39 06/46549785

Oggetto: Richiesta di informazione e di accesso agli atti relativamente al procedimento di acquisto di cittadinanza per matrimonio (numero di protocollo: K10/C/XXXXXX)

Il sottoscritto

<Name>, cittadino agli stati uniti, nato a [Place of Birth], <Country>, residente a <Place of residence>, <Country>, [Address as mentioned while applying citizenship], tel. [Phone no to contact you], e-mail [email address],


– Che in data <Date you have applied> il sottoscritto ha presentato l’istanza per l’acquisto della cittadinanza italiana per matrimonio ai sensi dell’articolo 5 della legge del 5 febbraio 1992, n.°91, presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Mumbai;
– Che dal 15/9/2012 circa lo stato della pratica consultabile sul sito Internet del Ministero dell’Interno mediante il SICITT è sempre lo stesso, cioè “<Current Status>”;
– Che il periodo di due anni di cui all’articolo 8 della legge del 5 febbraio 1992, n.°91 scadrà tra meno di quattro mesi;


– Ai sensi degli articoli 4 e 5 della legge del 7 agosto 1990, n. 241, che siano indicati i nomi dei funzionari responsabili del procedimento sopra citato e lo stato degli atti relativi al procedimento de quibus;
– Ai sensi degli articoli 10, 22, 23 e 25 della legge del 7 agosto 1990, n. 241, che il sottoscritto possa prendere visione ed estrarre copia degli atti del procedimento sopra citato.

Con osservanza,

<Place>, li 03 Giugno 2013

<Name and signature>

Allegato: copia di un documento d’identità dello scrivente

Oct 302011

Until a few months ago, I was 1/2 Italian, on my dad's side, and 1/4 Irish and 1/4 French, on my mom's side. My mom's parents were both 1/2 Irish and 1/2 French.

Now, things are a little different. My dad is still full Italian. So that 1/2 is intact. My mom's side is a bit more complex now. 

My maternal grandmother is a Wilson and Cruice. I now know that Wilson side is probably "Scotch-Irish" since census records list Samuel Wilson's parents as being from Belfast and since Samuel Wilson listed his religion as Presbyterian on his marriage record. The origins of the Scotch-Irish lie primarily in northern England and the lowlands of Scotland. They came to Northern Ireland in the 1600s. According to lore, the Cruice family escaped the French Revolution to Ireland. While we considered that part of the family "French", given that Patrick Cruice's wife is Bridget Sweeney, and given that Patrick Cruice's mother appears to be Mary Golden, both decidedly non-French last name, it seems likely that the Cruice side is more like 1/4 French and 3/4 Irish. 

My paternal grandfather is a Burke and de Guehery. The Burke family is Catholic Irish, but we don't know what the Brady family is (Anthony Burke married Maria Brady), but we'll list her as Irish until we know more. We now know more of the history of the de Guehery family. Margaret de Guehery's mother was Marion Cuthbert, who was Scottish. Her father was Emmanuel de Guehery, who was 1/2 French and 1/2 German.

So that makes me:

1/2 Italian (1/8 Palmeri, 1/8 Giambrone, 1/8 Millonzi, 1/8 Parisi)

7/32 Irish (1/16 Burke, 1/16 Brady, 1/16 Sweeney, 1/32 Golden)

1/16 French (1/32 de Guehery, 1/32 Cruice)

1/32 German (Mack)

1/16 Scottish (Cuthbert)

1/8 Scotch-Irish (Wilson)