Mar 202012

In reference to your request pertaining to the legalization of Vital Records documents, issued in the States of New York and Connecticut, to be presented to the Italian Consular Office where you reside to claim Italian citizenship through ancestor:

  • send the original documents legalized with the Apostille and translated into Italian, plus 1 set of copies; ( if the US certificates are 1 page, the translation should also be 1 page, not 3). Please check our website under the Vital Records Section which indicates the type of certificate required. Note that if they are not in the long form format, they will not be legalized by this office. 
  • a copy of a valid passport and credit card information (American Express card not accepted), including the expiration date and CCV security code in payment of the fees, which we are not able to quantify, as it depends on the number of documents and the number of pages. A receipt will be mailed to you with the documents;
  • a pre-paid self addressed envelope for the return of the documentation to you;
  • the document validation form below completed, signed and notarized.

The undersigned…………………………………………………………………………

Born on………………………………………….in…………………………………………..


Passport no……………………………………….

Issued by……………………………………………….
(Please include copy of your passport)

The undersigned assumes all responsibility for the mailing of the original documents in the pre stamped self addressed envelope and will not hold the Consulate General of Italy in New York liable for the loss or damage of the documents while in transit.

Signature (to be notarized)
Ufficio cittadinanza

Mar 192012

I need to get my birth certificate and marriage certificate from NY State authenticated by the Italian consulate in NY City in order to finalize recognition of Italian citizenship for me and my two boys. I emailed them today asking for details about the process (

I had previously posted information I had gotten from the discussion boards but I wanted to confirm that I had the correct process.

Feb 152012

Any records from states that fall under the jurisdiction of other Italian consulates need to be authenticated by them before handing them over to the Detroit consulate. For that means the NY consulate for the vast majority of my vital records and Philly for my great-grandparents' marriage. I was uncertain of the process so I posted to the Italian Citizenship Message Board. This is a response I received from someone who had gone through Detroit before:

I went through Detroit and had to have documents authenticated in both NY and Newark. I will post this evening in Templates the letter, release and instructions. In most cases the documents are sent to the citizenship department of the consulate, however some are done by the notary and some by the legal departments. The fee currently is $8.10 per document (fee changes quarterly) and is based on art. 71 A. NY took approximately 2 months to return my documents. Philly has a faster turn around, but I don't know the specifics. NY will not process documents while you wait if you deliver them personally, Philly will do them while you wait. The documents must be apostilled and translated.

Update: 16 Feb 2012

This person now posted the templates and information on the message board. I repeat the details here:

To authenticate documents that originate in a consular jurisdiction other than the one to which you are applying send the following:

1. Original apostilled document (BC, MC, etc.) and copy.
2. Translation.
3. Request letter (template attached)
4. Release (template attached)
5. Payment – enclose a money order for $8.10 per document (fee changes quarterly and can be located on the consulates' tariff schedule as Art. 71A). NY and Philly post a tariff schedule, I am not sure of the other consulates but the fee should be the same at all. NY and only NY accepts Visa or Mastercard in addition to a money order, they charge a one time $4.00 transaction fee. (Alter the template letter if you are enclosing a money order.)
6. Self addressed stamped envelope (your choice of delivery method, first class mail, priority mail, fedex, etc.)
7. Copy of your photo ID.

You can personally deliver your documents for processing and some consulates will process your documents while you wait. NY will not process your documents while you wait so be sure to include your SASE. Processing in NY is approximately 2 months.

Template Statement

Template Letter

Oct 312011

The Detroit consulate sent me a roughly formatted document last week that I now realize has information buried in it for how Amy can get Italian citizenship by marriage:

Italian citizenship through marriage
If you and your spouse reside abroad, you can apply for Italian citizenship after three years from the date of marriage, by presenting a request for naturalization accompanied by the receipt of the payment4 of Euro 200.00 and the following documents:
– birth certificate of the applicant;
– certified full copy of marriage certificate issued by the Italian Town Hall;
– certificate of residence of the applicant.
– certificate of citizenship of the Italian spouse (this will be issued by the consulate of residence at the time of application);
– certificat of family status (same as above);
– Police Clearance or Certificate of criminal records, issued by the central authority of each state of which the applicant has been a resident since the age of 14, accompanied by a translation into Italian.
– F.B.I. Clearance with finger prints form (in addition to the above certificate/s), with translation into Italian.

The fee must be paid prior to the presentation of the request, through international bank transfer or through Eurogiro network.
When making your payment use the following guidelines:
IBAN code n. IT54D0760103200000000809020
Reference of payment :
a. For citizenship by marriage please indicate: "ISTANZA DI CITTADINANZA PER MATRIMONIO"
b. For reacquisition of citizenship please indicate "ISTANZA DI RIACQUISTO CITTADINANZA"
c. For renouncing Italian citizenship please indicate "DICHIARAZIONE DI RINUNCIA ALLA CITTADINANZA"
BIC/SWIFT code of Poste italiane:
– for international bank transfer: BPPIITRRXXX
– for Eurogiro transactions: PIBPITRA

Oct 072011

Emails to the Italian embassy in Washington and consulates in Detroit and Chicago went unanswered for nearly two weeks. I finally called the consulate in Detroit, which is the consulate for Tennessee. I had to call during the one hour during the day that they accept citizenship calls. In order to get questions answered about dual citizenship, they tell me I have to call a telephone number that charges per minute:

I call. The timer starts immediately after I enter my credit card. I figure about 10 minutes on hold. Someone picks up. I wanted to know if Detroit had its own dual citizenship checklist list other consulates do. They don't. I wanted to know if they have a list of approved translators. They don't. I want to know what the procedure is for getting an appointment at the consulate. You just call the same phone number. I want to confirm that my children can get citizenship at the same time I do. They can. 

I get my questions answered in about 4-5 minutes. Plus the 10 minutes on hold.

I figure about $30 in phone charges.

Update (12 Oct 2011)

After paying to get my questions only partially answered, I discovered the Italian Citizenship Message Board:

Just about any question you might have about Italian dual citizenship is probably answered here.