Story of Charles and Barbara (Giambrone) Palmeri (page one)


Charles Palmeri was the brother of my great-grandfather Angelo Palmeri. Barbara (Giambrone) Palmeri was the sister of my great-grandmother Mary (Giambrone) Palmeri.

This is a story written by Charles J. Palmeri, who is the son of Joseph Palmeri who was the son of Charles and Barbara Palmeri. He is the oldest grandson of Charles and Barbara.



  4 Responses to “Story of Charles and Barbara (Giambrone) Palmeri (page one)”

  1. Hello Name through Marriage is Barbara Giambrone….My husband is Frank….His Mother was a Fratali
    they have recently passed .Franks Dad was also from Sicily….His Grandfather was Angelo Giambrone. Are they related at all ?

  2. Hi Tom, Are you still at the university in the USA? My mother passed away in the fall of 2013. after my last contact with you she became sick and ended up with pneumonia, had her hip broke while in the hospital her heath declined. For many months the family took care of her at home until she passed in late august 2013, She told me some things about the family before she went. Don’t know if you or other family members are still interested in new info. At the University do you deal with brain injury/recovery, the way the mind processes information and or changes in the way the brain does so after injury or are you engaged in artificial intelligence? I have went back to school to further my education and maybe finally get my degree, Hope you and your family have been well. Your second or third cousin Patti Camara

  3. I know you are a very busy person, but please send me a reply and let me know any names of relatives that are researching our Italian geneology. Is the older woman who you gave the phone me still alive?

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