Feb 222012

I asked the help desk for the New York Supreme Court whether I needed a separate petitions to go with each proposed order or whether similar issues should be lumped together in the same petition with multiple proposed orders. This is what they said:

Even though the information may be similar or the same, you should prepare a separate petition for each proposed order you are requesting to be signed.

Update 12 Mar 2012

Another update. I asked them about court fees and the like. This is what they said:

As previously stated, Erie County does not require an index number nor an RJI be purchased unless you want the original documents to be on file with the Erie County Clerk. If you do want the original documents filed with the Erie County Clerk's Office, you would need to purchase an index number and the fee would be $210.00. That fee would cover all the petitions since this is regarding one specific case.

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