Apr 222012

Jure matrimoni applications need to be processed by Rome and apparently these can take a couple of years to work through the system. Here is information from a posting that gives some details for how to track and monitor the application:

Based on the information on this page:

You can track your application status on this page:

…after first registering on this page:

I was able to register successfully. And now I need to associate my registration with the JM application. To do that, I need some additional information from the consulate:

Numero Pratica
Prefettura di presentazione
Data presentazione

Application number, prefecture (I think probably Catanzaro – which must be the associated "state" office with our home consulate in San Sostene, Catanzaro), and the date the application was presented/sent. The application number is also associated with a type ("tipo) of either K10 or K10/C – I need to research this a bit more.

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