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Three new contributions to edited volumes

Posted on Jan 8, 2014

Three new papers. Two in the Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology and one in An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience.

Palmeri, T.J., Schall, J.D. & Logan, G.D. (in press). Neurocognitive modeling of perceptual decision making. To appear in J.R. Busemeyer, J. Townsend, Z.J. Wang, & A. Eidels (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology, Oxford University Press. [PDF]

Nosofsky, R.M., & Palmeri, T.J. (in press). Exemplar-based random walk model. To appear in J.R. Busemeyer, J. Townsend, Z.J. Wang, & A. Eidels (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology, Oxford University Press. [PDF]

Logan, G.D., Schall, J.D., & Palmeri, T.J. (in press). Inhibitory control in mind and brain: The mathematics and neurophysiology of the underlying computation. To appear in B. Forstmann & E.J. Wagenmakers (Eds.), An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience, Springer Neuroscience. [PDF]

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New work from the CatLab

Posted on Oct 24, 2013

New Papers

Palmeri, T.J. (in press). An exemplar of model-based cognitive neuroscience. Trends in Cognitive Science. [PDF]

Richler, J.J., & Palmeri, T.J. (in press). Visual category learning. To appear in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews in Cognitive Science. [PDF]

Upcoming Conference Presentations

Palmeri, T.J. (2013). Neurocognitive modeling of perceptual decision making. To be presented at Interfacing Models with Brain Signals to Investigate Cognition, UC Irvine, CA.

Richler, J.J., Palmeri, T.J., & Gauthier, I. (2013). The effects of varying configuration in the composite task support an attentional account of holistic processing. To be presented at Object Perception and Memory (OPAM), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Middlebrooks, P.G., Schall, J.D., Palmeri, T.J., & Logan, G.D. (2013). Modeling response time and accuracy of perceptual choice during a stop-signal task. To be presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, San Diego, CA.

Zandbelt, B.B., Schall, J.D., Palmeri, T.J., & Logan, G.D. (2013). Modeling response time and accuracy during a stop-signal task: Stimulus-response choice. To be presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, San Diego, CA.

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New NSF Grant

Posted on Jun 3, 2013

The National Science Foundation has officially awarded our lab a new grant entitled “Perceptual Categorization in Real-World Expertise”. Now the work begins.

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Congratulations to Alan Wong

Posted on May 22, 2013

Congrats to former CatLab graduate student Alan Wong,

who just earned tenure at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Well deserved!

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Braden Purcell wins the Pat Burns Memorial Graduate Student Research Award

Posted on Apr 24, 2013

Congratulations to Braden Purcell for winning the The Pat Burns Memorial Graduate Student Research Award.

Pat Burns touched generations of doctoral students during her nearly four decades of service to Vanderbilt University. In memory of her tireless efforts to help guide our students through all phases of their graduate education, the Department of Psychology establishes a Graduate Student Research Award to recognize outstanding achievement in research by our most outstanding graduate students. The recipient receives a plaque and a $500 award.

Along with Michael Mack and Jennifer Richler, this makes the third CatLab member to win this prestigious award.

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Jonathan Folstein accepts faculty position at Florida State University

Posted on Apr 9, 2013

Jonathan Folstein, a recent postdoctoral fellow in the

CatLab and OPL, has accepted a faculty position in psychology at Florida State University. Congratulations Dr. Folstein!

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