Mike wins TA Award
25, 2007
Congratulations to Mike Mack for winning the William F. Hodges Teaching Assistant Award.
supported by NSF, NEI, and Vanderbilt University
In the CatLab, we study visual cognition, including visual categorization, visual memory, and visual decision making. We study how objects are perceived and represented by the visual system, how visual knowledge is represented and learned, and how visual decisions are made. We approach these questions using a combination of behavioral experiments, cognitive neuroscience techniques, and computational and neural modeling. One line of work, funded by the National Science Foundation, investigates the temporal dynamics of visual object categorization and perceptual expertise for objects and faces. Another line of work, funded by the National Eye Institute, uses computational modeling of visual decision making to predict behavioral dynamics and neural dynamics.April
25, 2007
Congratulations to Mike Mack for winning the William F. Hodges Teaching Assistant Award.
April 24, 2007
"Inhibitory control in mind and brain: An interactive race model of countermanding saccades" by Boucher, Palmeri, Logan, and Schall appears in Psychological Review. The work is highlighted in a story in the Vanderbilt Register. Click here for the story.
April 2007
Congratulations to Alan Wong for obtaining a faculty position at the Chinese University of Hong Kong staring this fall.
October 2006
The Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center is funded as a National Science Foundation Science of Learning Center in order to explore the impact of time and timing on how we learn. Our laboratory is part of the Perceptual Expertise Network (PEN) which is now part of this new center. Tom Palmeri is a member of the Executive Committee and co-leads PEN with Isabel Gauthier.